

What have rats got to do with the plague?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Rats started of with the germs and diseases all over the world. Then flies bit them, carrying the rats diseases with them. They then bit other people giving them the diseases. Hope that answered your question! lol

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Q: What have rats got to do with the plague?
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How do you know rats had the plague?

rats carried flea's. the flea's carried the plague the people got the plague from the flea's but blamed the rats.

How was the bubonic plague transported?

By a Flea. They got to the rats first then when the rats died the fleas came for humans causing the Black or the Bubonic Plague

Is bubonic plague transmitted by rats?

The Bubonic Plague otherwise known as black dealth was originally spread by a type of insect I believe similar to a mosquito. In Asia, around India, has a huge collection of rats and the disease was passed to the rats. Rats then got in sewers and other commonly used places by Europeans and so they got the plague

How did the rats Catch the plague were they born with it include where you got your research?

The rats didnt actually get it, it was the fleas which were on the rats and the fleas carried the disease. It was just the rats that carried the flees.

Who is the vector of plague?

Rats were the vector of the bubonic plague

How do the rodents get th bubonic plague?

It started with a bacteria. This bacteria got into parasites, which got into rats and other small mammals. The reason rats were the main cause for the plague is because back then, people were used to having rats in their houses. and it was difficult to rid of them. Bacteria > Parasite > Animal > Human. It is common misconception that rats caused the plague, which they did not, many other animals carried the flea, but weren't around any humans to spread it. It is also a misconception that rats did not die from the plague, which they did.

What cause the black plague in the middle ages?

The fleas on rats. The rats had a disease that the fleas got then jumped onto the people to spread the desease.

What role did the rats play in spreading the plague?

The plague was spread by fleas that lived on the rats.

The bubonic plague was carried by?

The carrier of this plague is the rats the carrier of the plague is actually fleas and ticks because they bite the rats and give them the plague. So the carriers of the plague are most rodents, ticks, and fleas.

Rats and the plague?

Many believe that rats carried the black plague when in fact it was the flea the rat carried that actually carried the plague that is how people still got sick locked in a room with no windows is because they would get bit by the fleas (one of the reasons anyways)

What transmitted the plague to humans?

The plague was carried by rats, who were infested by fleas. As the rats succumbed to the plague, the starving fleas fed on humans infecting them with the plague.

What caused the plague of the 1600s?

the causes of the plague was the fleas on the rats they bit the rats and then when the rats died they moved on to bite the humans