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The transportation revolution 😊

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Annabell Hickle

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Q: What help drive the move toward city living in the 1800s?
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What helped drive the move toward city living in the 1800?

The transportation revolution 😊

What helped drive the move towards city living in the 1800?

a transportation revolution

What was the largest city in the 1800s?

New York City

What caused the trend towards city life in the 1800s?

The trend toward city life, or urbanization, was caused by industrialization. Many families left their farms to work in factories in the cities.

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What problems affected American cities in the mid-1800s?

what problems city people face in the 1800s

What is an example of the new city in the 1800s?

Private socail clubs

What did city governments do to try to improve city sanitation in the late 1800s?

built water purification

What is the route between Lake City Florida and Hilton Head South Carolina?

Drive to Jacksonville FL and take I-95 toward Savannah GA and then US-278 East

Where can I find a city map from the 1800s?

you can find that kind of map on eBay

What are three way that city life changed in the 1800s?

the Industrial Revolution