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Q: What help lubricates the skin and the hair?
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Which substance lubricates the skin?

Sebum (colloquially referred to as oil), is secreted from sebaceous glands in the skin and is used to lubricate the skin and hair.

The substance called sebum is commonly known as?

Sebum is also known as skin oil. This waxy material lubricates the hair and skin, and functions as an antibiotic.

What substance prevents excessive evaporation of water from the skin?

Sweat naturaly lubricates hair while karotin keeps water from entering the skin.

How does surface film contribute to the protective function of the skin?

The surface film lubricates the skin.

What secretion lubricates and inhibits the growth of bacteria on the skin?


Is human skin waterproof?

Yes. The sebum (a waxy substance) produced by your dermis lubricates your skin and makes it waterproof.

What organ produces oil that keeps skin from drying out?

The sebaceous gland produces oil that lubricates the skin and hair. This oil, called sebum, helps prevent the skin from drying out and also provides some immune protection. The sebaceous glands are exocrine (ducted) glands that are one of the accessory organs of the skin.

Why do you have pimple?

The hair follicles, or pores, in your skin contain sebaceous glands (also called oil glands). These glands make sebum, which is an oil that lubricates your hair and skin. Most of the time, the sebaceous glands make the right amount of sebum however when your body produces an excess amount it can clog pores and cause a pimple.

What can I do to encourage hair growth?

Rogaine is a god method to try to help with hair growth. There are certain hair, skin and nails vitamins out there to also help improvve the health of your hair.

What is the functions of the sebaceous gland?

To secrete an oily substance which lubricates the area and reduces friction on the skin. For example, the female breast is rich in sebaceous glands to reduce chafing when a mother is breastfeeding.

What two systems help the skin regulate body temperature?

shivers, sweat, and raising of the hair on the skin.

What does hair help you do for the skin system?

The hair helps you warm up or it can tell you when somebody is touching you. -Unknown