

What helps a polar bear find food?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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polar bears usually eat fish and they are good swimmers so it makes it easy for them to catch their prey. the also like to eat penguins and they do this the same way they catch fish, by swimming.

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Q: What helps a polar bear find food?
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What part of the bear body helps it to get food?

Its nose helps it find its food as the polar bear's sense of smell is extremely good. The bear's highly sensitive senses (hearing, smell, vision) then aid in helping it find and catch the food. Their sharp claws and teeth help in then killing the pray. These are all adaptions the polar bear has developed to give it the best chance for survival, development, gorwth and reproduction

How far does a polar bear travel for food?

Polar bears often travel hundreds of miles to find food.

What part of the polar bear's body helps it to get food?

It's front paws and mouth.

What is the polar bear's food and how do they get it?

Polar Bear's food is fish and they sometimes dip their paws into the water to get it

How does a polar bear find its food?

It uses its nose and then digs into the ice and snow

What does the polar bear need?

a polar bear needs its food sources and fur to keep it warm

Would you find polar bear penguins in Antarctica?

You would find penguins, which are sea birds. There is no food chain on the Antarctic continent to support polar bears.

On what level of the food chain does a polar bear fit?

the polar bear is the world largest predator found on land.

Will a polar bear survive without food for 5 weeks?

Yes. If they wouldn't be able to they wouldn't be able to hibernate. A polar bear eats seals and if they can't find seals, they would have to eat what they can find to survive.

What animal relys on a polar bear to live?

The polar bear is the top of the food chain, no other animal relies on it for food to live.

What are the food sources of the polar bear?

The primary food of polar bears are seals.

What is after tuna in the food chain?

after a polar bear it is a brown bear