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Q: What helps break down food to get energy that helps chemical reactions take place?
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Related questions

What energy helps chemical reactions to form?

Heat helps chemical reactions to take place. Light can also cause some chemical reactions to take place.

What causes the bonds to break in a chemical reactions?

If there isn't enough energy in the atom the molecules start bumping into each other and there's enough energy then the chemical bond breaks. hope this helps :)

What helps chemical reactions occur?

A catalyst helps chemical reactions occur.

What is a substance that helps chemical reactions?

A substance that helps chemical reactions is called a catalyst. It speeds up the rate of a reaction by providing an alternative pathway with lower activation energy. Catalysts are not consumed in the reaction and can be used repeatedly.

What is the energy needed to break existing chemical bonds during the initiation of a chemical reaction?

The energy needed to break an existing chemical bond is called activation energy, also written as EaActivation energy can be decreased with the help of a catalyst, which helps to facilitate chemical reactions.

What chemical reaction helps break down food to get energy required?

This is the digestion process.

What property of water helps cells maintain a constant temperature even when chemical reactions release energy?


Why do reactions go towards equilibrium?

Energy likes to stay in chemical bonds that are stable.That is the simple answer. Hope it helps

What helps break down food to get energy so chemical reaction can take place?


How enzymes control chemical reactions?

enzymes helps control chemical reactions by the chemical in it called collagen when enzymes enter your body they create a chemical reactions and controls the chemical reactions you get by eating too much acids.

Two types of chemical reactions?

Two kind of chemical reactions are exothermic and endothermic reactions. An exothermic reaction is one that releases energy. An endothermic reaction is one that absorbs energy. Hope this helps!! :)

What is the significance of chemical reactions in daily life?

Chemical reactions helps life to go on,in that it helps the process of metabolism within cells of living things.