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Q: What helps scientist study movements in earths crust?
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Where is new silicon mined?

silicon is mined in near the earths crust, and it is also is made of 27.7% earths crust hope this helps

What makes the earths crust support life?

The Atmosphere and the oxogen that we have on the crust helps support the life of man and animals.

What helps scientists study movements in Earth's crust a levee GPS a jetty and a dam?

A dam

What are the Benefits of lithosphere?

it helps meteoroids and other harmful space elements to fall into the earths crust

Why do geologist think earths core contains mostly iron?

Other orbiting bodies contain more iron then earths crust does

Who invented the tiltmeter?

The tiltmeter is an invention that helps predict earthquakes by detecting tilts in the earths crust. It was invented by George E. Merritt in 1932.

How modern technology helps prove the theory of plate tectonics?

important and uprising clues about earths crust have been collected from the sea floor using sonar

What does the earths moon mean?

the earths moon helps sustsian the gravity on the earths oceancs keeping them in balance

What is earths name mean?

the earths name is the underground what we stand on and is also a planet. hope this helps!

What do you call an scientist?

you call a scientist a scientist but there are different study's in science which are called different names i hope this helps.:)

The age of the earth's crust can best be determined from the studies of?

The study of rocks helps in determining the age of the crust.

What is the overall function of the muscle system?

it helps with movements