Other orbiting bodies contain more iron than Earth's crust does. Samples of Earth's crust contain less iron than found in meteorites, and iron is a comparatively heavy element that would have sunk into the planet when it was being formed.
Geologists believe Earth's core is mostly made of iron due to its high density and the way seismic waves travel through the planet. These seismic waves indicate a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, both primarily composed of iron with some nickel. Additionally, studies of meteorites and the behavior of materials at high pressures and temperatures support this hypothesis.
Iron is the primary element that makes up most of the Earth's core. It accounts for about 85% of the core's composition, with the rest likely being nickel in combination with some lighter elements.
Scientists think the Earth's core contains iron because of the planet's magnetic field. Iron is a magnetic material, and the Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in the outer core. Additionally, seismic waves and the density of the Earth indicate a high concentration of iron in the core.
Troposphere. This is the lowest section of the earths atmosphere that contains 75% of the earths atmosphere by mass and 99% of the earths water vapour. This section of the atmosphere starts at the surface and extends 7-20km up, the thickness depending largely on where you are in the world.
Scientists believe Earth's core contains iron because of the planet's density and magnetic field. Iron is a dense material that would sink towards the core during the Earth's formation. The presence of iron is also supported by seismic wave behavior and the Earth's magnetic field, which is generated by the movement of molten iron in the outer core.
Scientists think Earth's core is made of iron because iron is a dense material, and it is abundant in Earth's crust. Also, studies based on seismic waves and Earth's magnetic field support the idea that the core is composed mostly of iron.
scientists think that the earths core is made up of mostly iron, and contains smaller amounts of copper nickel.
I think it's the atmosphere
yeah i think they do!
Iron is the primary element that makes up most of the Earth's core. It accounts for about 85% of the core's composition, with the rest likely being nickel in combination with some lighter elements.
I think you mean geologist. A geologist is a person who studies the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it.
Almost no oxygen, lots of CO2, still mostly nitrogen.
I think it was Harrison Schmitt.
how do geologists think earths atmosphere is formed
It depends a lot on what the geologist is looking for, how much time they spend in the field or in the lab, and what they think is a "find".
i think jesus a the only god because learning about space is just like learning about the past earths and because mostly all the time i get i answer when i pray
The crustal plates (made mostly of low density granitic rock) float on the mantle (made mostly of high density basaltic rock). Convection cells in the mantle move the floating crustal plates around.
The iron nickel core has been determined to actually exist from the examination of meteorites, from the gravitational field of Earth, and from the Earth's density in comparison to its volume.