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the answer for this qyuestion is spinal cord

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Q: What helps you stand up tall and protects the nerves in your spinal column?
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What helps you to stand up tall and protects the nerves in your spinal column?

I don't know the answer to the question what is it

What does spinal column protect?

The spinal column, a series of vertebrae composed of bone, protects a part of the nervous system known as the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that helps to carry messages to various parts of the body.

What helps you stand straight or bend?

Your spinal column, made up of 24 vertebrae plus the sacrum and the coccyx dorms a long, bony tube which protects the delicate nerves of your spinal cord.

Which organ is protected by the vertebrae?

the dorsal nerve cord (spinal cord) which leads to the brain Your spine surrounds and protects your spinal cord, while providing support for the rest of your musculo-skeletal system. It protects your spinal cord, and helps hold your body upright.

which bone helps us to bend?

the backbone(vertebral column) it is the main support center for the upper body. it holds your head up and protects your spinal cord. spine is a slightly movable joint.

What does the vertebral column do?

The vertebrae (plural of vertebra) are the bones of the neck and back, also known as the backbone. They surround the spine of any animal that has one, including a human. The spinal column is made up of many vertebrae that allow flexibility in the back and protect the spinal cord from external damage. The function of the spinal column is to protect the soft spinal cord and to support the head upright. In humans, there are 26 total vertebrae : Cervical vertebrae: 7 Thoracic vertebrae: 12 Lumbar vertebrae: 5 Sacrum (fusion of five sacral vertebrae): 1 Coccyx (fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae, aka caudal vertebrae): 1

Is the spinal cord the same thing as the backbone?

The spinal cord is made up of nerve tissue. This is a thick bundle of neurons that runs through the spinal canal or the vertebral column. The vertebral column is the tower of vertebral bones typically called the "spine" by laymen. The spine is in fact the amalgamation of the two. In other words the spine is the vertebral column with the nervous spinal cord running through it.

What is the column at the back of the body?

The spinal column is a series small bones that helps support the body and surrounds the spinal cord which has nerve links from the cord to various parts of the body and leading back to the brain.

What would happen if your nerves stopped working?

If your nerves stopped working you could not move, because your spinal cord helps your body to move even in the the smallest parts of your body.

What would happen if nerves stopped working?

If your nerves stopped working you could not move, because your spinal cord helps your body to move even in the the smallest parts of your body.

What part of the nervous system helps you to peel an apple?

Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nerves.

What is a swim bladder?

an air filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy.