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Q: What hero was actually worse than the villain in the end?
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Would you live to die a hero or become the villain?

It would be good to live to be a hero rather than die by becoming the villain. Heroism is the fruition of self while villainy is the withering of character. Thus a hero really lives while the villain is already dying.

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Because he was a hero, Lincoln was a tyrant

Why are villains better then heroes?

Villains are not better than heroes. More interesting perhaps. but not better.

Is Harley Quinn a super hero?

Harley Quinn is sometimes portrayed as an anti-hero or villain rather than a traditional superhero. While she has occasionally worked alongside heroes like Batman, she is best known for her connection to the Joker and her own chaotic and unpredictable behavior.

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They are not they are actually worse

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no actually heck no no actually heck no no actually heck no

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It means if you think about if something Ibadan is going to happen then it actually will!

Was Alexander the Great a hero or villain?

He can be both if you like. He was more of a villain than a hero. He was a very heavy drinker and had brutal outrages. He did murder a man with his own bare hands. He struck Cleitus, the commander of the cavalry, fatally with a spear in a fit of anger and was responsible for other deaths.

Would you be a superhero or a villain?

Super hero! Cuz villains are bad guys. depends. Whoever wears better costumes! I could never wear tights, but I HAVE to wear a cape. I also wont wear red, blue, or white. Too tacky!

Who is the tragic hero in Macbeth?

In the beginning of the play Macbeth, Macbeth could be considered the hero. However, by the end, he has become the villain and Macduff has become the hero.

Is the gas we use today worse than in the 60's?

Actually, I think is better filter and cleaner.

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Yes. In some ways it's actually worse than "frictional" unemployment.