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when I do mushrooms, I get an "enlightened" feeling, like I understand everything, but still realize theres so much more to learn, you become one with earth and realize the natural beauty in things, technology and modern day things aren't needed, all you need is a guitar and a forest and your set.

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Q: What high do you get off of magic mushrooms?
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Can you blow dried magic mushrooms?

high temperatures destroy the good stuff in magic mushrooms. You can find more out at

Can you get a contact high from magic mushrooms?

Yes you most definitely can! I was stoned when all my friends did magic mushrooms and colors were changing for me as well.

How does someone get off magic mushrooms?

The time of your life

Can you smoke magic mushrooms and get high?

you have to grind them and then roll it like a joint

Is there penicillin in magic mushrooms?

There is no penicillin in magic mushrooms.

Does marijuana affect the effects of psychedelic mushrooms?

Yes. Both marijuana and magic mushrooms are hallucinogens (marijuana is a very mild hallucinogen, though), so smoking marijuana while on magic mushrooms will enhance your high.

Are magic mushrooms grown or synthetic?

Magic mushrooms are grown.

What effects does smoking weed have when you're on magic mushrooms?

They are both hallucinogens, so, they go nicely together. Smoking weed while on magic mushrooms will enhance and intensify the high.

What mushrooms that grow from cow dung can get you high?

The Psilocybin mushroom, or as it is more commonly known, magic mushrooms

Is lepta mushrooms magic mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms come in only 2 real species, neither of which are "lepta" mushrooms.

Does magic mushrooms give you food poising?

Only if they are poisonous mushrooms, not magic mushrooms NEXT ANSWER: To clarify, magic mushrooms are called such because they give you 'a high' feeling and can create physical and visual hallucinations or sensations . One may feel as if floating or 'magical '. What you are feeling after taking magic mushrooms is poisoning but not food poisoning - read below. A person can become fatally ill from eating unfamiliar mushrooms or toadstools If you aren't with someone who is a professional or who knowsd absolutely for sure, do not eat mushrooms found in the wild. . The component in a magic mushrooms causes what many people call a ' high' but which is in fact a poison. All the feelings and hallucinations one experiences on mushrooms are really the result of what happens to you while your body is trying to fight off the poison in the mushroom. The more mushrooms you take the greater amount of poison you are putting into your body & so the greater the effects. As with any poison, too much can be hazardous to your mental well being, your safety and health.

What are some myths about magic mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms are poisonous and that is why you're tripping...