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Electrons produce a magnetic force that holds earth together and trees

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Q: What holds earth together Think of the earth as the nucleus of an atom. And around the earth are electrons. These electrons create magnetic energy that holds earth together.?
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As electrons circle around the nucleus of an atom they create a magnetic domain?

Magnetism is a property that comes from unpaired electrons, but it's not correct to say they "circle around" the nucleus of an atom.

What creates a magnetic charge within an atom?

The electron spin, and the electrons' revolution around the nucleus.

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Because the intrinsic magnetic field generated by the spin of the electrons around the nucleus is negligible...

What is atom made from?

A nucleus of Protos and Neutrons held together by the strong force with orbiting electrons around the nucleus.

Is electrons found inside the nucleus?

They are not in the nucleaus, they orbit around the nucleus.

Which parts of the atom move around the nucleous?

Electrons. They have a negative charge.

Does electrons make up an atom nucleus?

No, the electrons are around the nucleus, not in the nucleus.

Where in an atom are the protons and neutrons located?

The protons and neutrons are grouped together in the nucleus. The electrons form a cloud around the nucleus.

Are electrons next to the nucleus?

No, electrons are around nucleus but at a great distance.

Are the number of electrons in the nucleus of an atom that element's atomic number?

There are no electrons in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons are in the orbitals around and outside the nucleus.There are no electrons in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons are in the orbitals outside and around the nucleus.

Are neutrons located in the orbits around the nucleus?

nuetrons and protons make up the nucleus, Electrons revolve around the nucleus

Where are the protons neutrons and electron located in the atom?

Protons and neutrons are located within the nucleus. Electrons are revolving around the nucleus.