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Q: What hormonal problem might a persom which soft bones from lack of calcium have?
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What hormonal problem might a person which soft bones from lack of calcium have?

Osteoporosis is related to lack of estrogen and progesterone.

How does calcium keep bones healthy?

calcium makes your bones stronger

What is calcium made of?

I don't think bones are made of calcium. Calcium is a nutrition that your bones need to be strong.

What minerals are essential for healthy bones?

calcium and phosphorus. Magnesium is important for absorbing and utilizing calcium as is vitamin D.

What bone is made of calcium?

I don't think bones are made of calcium. Calcium is a nutrition that your bones need to be strong.

What depend on calcium?

your bones depend on calcium because calcium is another word for milk or reduced milk for your bones so you "Identical"bones also depend on bones to help you grow all your bones for needs

Name two nutrients your bones need and how do they help the bones?

Calcium and Phosphurus because bones are largely composed of Calcium phosphate.

What is the relationship between blood calcium levels and calcium storage in the bones?

Calcium is what makes the bones in your body stronger. Strong bones help prevent osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become fragile and break easily. 99% of the calcium in your body is stores in your bones, and in later years, having an adequate calcium diet is essential in reducing calcium-loss.

Bones help you what?

Calcium helps to build bones. A source of calcium is found in milk.

Use of calcium plus vitd3 in the treatment of osteoarthritis?

it does not make sense to treat osteoarthritis with calcium as the problem with osteo is damaged cartilage between the bones in joints. and no amount of calcium is going to do any good there.

Where is calcium in your body?

Calcium is stored in your bones

What Are 3 Uses For Calcium?

Calcium can be used in dairy products such as milk, or the calcium in the bones of humans, and animals. Calcium can be used in dairy products such as milk, or the calcium in the bones of humans, and animals.