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There are two hormones involved in the synthesis and release of milk: prolactin and oxytocin. Both are produced in a pea-sized gland attached to the base of the brain called the pituitary gland, and carried to the breasts by the blood. Prolactin is produced by the anterior(front part) of the pituitary gland. It stimulates the cells in the breasts to synthesise milk. Prolactin synthesis is stimulated by several minutes of the infant sucking at the breast. Oxytocin is synthesised by the posterior (rear part) of the pitutary gland. It stimulates the release of the milk from the breast (also called milk 'let down'). Oxytocin production is also stimulated by suckling at the breast. See:

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What it says in the question: hormone levels control milk synthesis in cows. Oxytocin, for one, determines whether milk should be "let down" or released into the teat so it can be "collected" by the calf or the milk machine. It is stimulated to be released when the cow is fully relaxed.

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