

Dairy Management and Production

Milk is one beverage many people like to drink. Knowing where it comes from, how it's produced and what animals are involved in milk production is all that makes up this category. Everything milk and dairy can be asked and answered here.

1,194 Questions

How much milk is in a gallon jug?

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Asked by Wiki User

One gallon of milk.


Table of liquid measure.

1 gall = 8 pints

1 pimnt = 4 gills.


1 gall = 32 gills.

What is an animal that is used for milk and cheese?

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Cows are undoubtedly the most common and widely recognized animals used for milk and cheese production worldwide. Their high milk yield and versatility in dairy products make them an invaluable resource in the agricultural industry. Goats are another excellent source of milk and cheese, offering a distinct flavor profile that appeals to many consumers seeking alternatives to cow's milk products. Sheep, though less common in some regions, provide rich milk that is particularly prized for making specialty cheeses like feta and pecorino romano.

Do we drink harmful bacteria spores in Pasteurized milk?

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Pasteurization kills harmful bacteria in milk, including spores, by heating the milk to a high temperature and then rapidly cooling it. As long as the pasteurized milk is handled and stored properly, the risk of consuming harmful bacteria, including spores, is significantly reduced.

Why does milk clot in the stomachs of babies?

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Asked by Ponyshine

Milk can clot in the stomachs of babies due to a reaction between the proteins in milk and the acidic environment of the stomach. This can lead to the formation of curd-like clots, which can cause discomfort or spitting up in babies.

How many pesos does a liter of milk in Argentina cost?

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As of 2021, the average cost of a liter of milk in Argentina is around 95 to 110 Argentine pesos. Prices may vary depending on the region and the brand of milk.

What elements other than cancer can produce unusually high CEA results?

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Elevated CEA levels can also be seen in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, liver disease, and respiratory infections. Additionally, factors like smoking can also lead to increased CEA levels.

What stand for RM value in milk?

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RM value in milk stands for the "resazurin test," a method used to assess the quality of milk. It is based on the ability of bacteria in milk to reduce resazurin dye to resorufin, indicating bacterial activity in the sample. The test is used to evaluate the freshness and shelf life of milk products.

A housewife churned full cream milk with a milk churner?

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Churning full cream milk with a milk churner helps separate the cream from the milk. The continuous agitation causes the fat globules in the milk to clump together and rise to the surface, creating butter. The remaining liquid is buttermilk.

What is the Meaning of rmp in dairy microbiology?

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Asked by Manojdolia

RMP in dairy microbiology stands for Resazurin Milk Plate, a method used to detect the presence of bacteria in milk samples. The test involves adding a dye to the milk sample, and if bacteria are present and actively metabolizing in the milk, they will reduce the dye and change its color, indicating microbial activity. This method is commonly used in dairy microbiology to assess the quality and safety of milk products.

Project report on milk and chilling plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dear sir,

we are planning milk chilling plant hyderabad.

so we need projects report.

thanking u,


CELL NO:+919989736333.

What is the name of the polymer found in cows milk?

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The polymer found in cow's milk is called casein. Casein is a type of protein that accounts for about 80% of the total protein content in cow's milk.

Why is milk heated to high temperature before they are bottled?

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Heating milk before bottling helps to kill any harmful bacteria present in the milk, thus extending its shelf life and ensuring it is safe for consumption. This process, known as pasteurization, also helps to maintain the milk's nutritional value and flavor.

Is milk homogenous?

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Yes, milk is considered homogenous because it appears uniform in composition throughout, with no visible separation of its components like fat, protein, and water. When you buy milk at the store, it has usually undergone homogenization, a process that breaks down the fat molecules to prevent cream from rising to the top.

How do you get cream while churning the milk?

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Cream is obtained by allowing the milk to stand undisturbed so that the cream naturally rises to the top. This can occur through gravity or by mechanical means such as centrifugal force. Once the cream has risen, it can be skimmed off the top of the milk to be used separately.

Why does milk make you sleep?

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Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can help promote relaxation and induce sleep. Additionally, the warmth and comfort associated with drinking a warm glass of milk may also contribute to its sleep-inducing effects.

Do hamsters explode in the microwave?

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Hamsters do explode when placed on a microwave. They explode because the microwaves will make the hamsters heart go faster until they explode. I also heard it was because of radiation but im not realy sure. Correct me if im wrong.

What is the melting and boiling point of milk?

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The melting and boiling point of milk are very similar to the melting and boiling point of water.

What happens when the air quality gets really bad?

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When air quality gets really bad, it can lead to health problems such as respiratory issues, aggravation of existing conditions like asthma, and increased risk of heart disease. Prolonged exposure to poor air quality can have long-term health consequences and may even be life-threatening in extreme cases. It can also have negative impacts on the environment, such as harming plant and animal life.

Why is good nutrition important to elderly people?

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Good nutrition is important for elderly people to support their overall health and wellbeing. Adequate nutrient intake can help maintain a healthy weight, support the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and osteoporosis. It also helps to preserve muscle mass and strength, leading to better physical function and quality of life as they age.

Is milk a solution?

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Yes, milk is a colloid, not a solution. It is a mixture of proteins, fats, and water, with the proteins and fats suspended throughout the water.

Why does whole milk react with hand soap?

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Whole milk reacts with hand soap because hand soap typically contains surfactants that lower the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate fats and oils. When whole milk, which contains fats, comes into contact with hand soap, the surfactants in the soap help break down the fats in the milk, causing them to separate from the liquid. This is why you may observe some curdling or separation when whole milk and hand soap are mixed.

Is it okay to mix pedialyte with water?

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Yes, it is okay to mix Pedialyte with water. Diluting Pedialyte with water can help reduce the sweetness of the solution and make it easier to drink, especially for children or individuals sensitive to strong flavors. It's important to follow the recommended mixing instructions on the Pedialyte packaging to ensure proper hydration.

What is milk fat called?

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Milk fat is called butterfat, which is the fatty portion of milk that is used to make butter and other dairy products. It is primarily composed of triglycerides.

What is monex dry powder?

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Asked by Wiki User

Monex Dry Powder is a precious metal powder used for investment purposes or in the production of various industrial products. It is produced through a unique refining process that results in a high-purity form of the metal. Investors often purchase Monex Dry Powder as a way to diversify their portfolios and hedge against economic uncertainties.

Does milk affect plant growth and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

A limited amount of milk will act as fertilizer and may improve plant growth and yield. This is dependent entirely on the soil you are using and the nutrients it provides. Only the cations and anions in milk will be used for plant growth. The complex molecules (vitamins, proteins, etc) will be broken down in the soil, then those nutrients will be available for plant uptake and subsequent growth.

An excessive amount of milk will lead to poor plant growth, limit oxygen availability in the soil (bacteria using the oxygen, etc, instead of plants), encourage invasion of insects, may result in excessive disease exposure and may lead to nutrient imbalance (too much calcium) over time.

Calcium can effect most plants yes, some in good ways and some in bad, however example A, Medicle Marijuana has the best effect from calcium in its ''flowering Stage''

Milk will make the soil go bad creating the nutrients and the bactiria to die.