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Q: What hormone causes the ovaries and testes to greatly increase their production of estradiol and testosterone?
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How can you raise your testosterone levels?

Lower stress, increase sleep, and eat food lower in fat and sodium. After this, heavy weight training along with a more mild, secondary card program worse wonders. Heavy compound lifts like dead lift, squat, push presses, and, if your good at it, bench press can greatly increase testosterone.

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I do not know. Sorry.

Can muscle growth be caused by puberty?

I am presuming this question is from a male, so shall answer as such. During puberty, testosterone is produced in a great amount and greatly affects the body in many ways. Testosterone greatly affects muscles, which is my men are scientifically proven to be capable of building muscle mass faster than women, who produce little testosterone, but instead, estrogen.

How are Anabolic steroids similar to the hormone?

Anabolic steroids are converted by your liver to testosterone and other hormones, bypassing your body's glandular production of the hormones. Your hormonal system is a complex chain of checks and balances, so your natural production of testosterone can be greatly reduced, while consuming steroids. This is why steroids are taken in cycles, coming off of the roids to let your natural production resume. IMO, one of the key risk areas is that roids are illegal, so steroid application is typically not administered and monitored by a skilled doctor. Don't take them. Please see my bio for some safer alternatives to boost your test. levels safely and naturally.

Can testosterone shots cure low testosterone?

It can't cure the problem, but it greatly helps. I have just such an issue, as mine is caused from the Klinefelter syndrome. I have received testosterone injections since 1988, of which I currently receive bi-weekly injections of it. It does increase the low level of testosterone. It is used throughout one's body to furnish the needed nutrients that the body normally produces, such as for promoting the "maleness", hair, deepening of voice, bone density, beard, muscle mass, and other male characteristics.

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