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inadequate amounts of thyroid hormone

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Q: What hormone causess low BMR and mental and physical sluggishness?
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What hormone causes low BMR mental and physical sluggishness?

Lowered metabolic rateaccompanied by mental and physical sluggishness

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A hormone that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress?

a hormone known as KAP is released by hypothalamus when insane

Does HGH have addictive physical or mental addition?

HGH addiction is physical addiction the grwouth hormone incise the body belding

When you experience stage fright your body is producing extra a hormone that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress.?


Does adderall mask symptoms of hypothyroidism?

It could improve mental sluggishness but not the physical symptoms like severe fatigue, weight gain, muscle pain, dry skin, constipation, pale, dry skin and cold intolerance.

Can we say mental and physical health or physical and mental health?

You can say "mental and physical health". You can also say "physical and mental health". So both are completely acceptable.

Is established physical or mental?


What does Cretin mean?

idiot: a person of subnormal intelligence. or just awesome.

A lack of which hormone results in mental retardation?

it has nothing to do with hormones.

Why is it important to test a baby's blood for the thyroxine level?

Thyroxine is the precursor to active thyroid hormone, which is essential for life. Thyroid hormone also plays an important role in brain development. A child with untreated low thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) will develop a condition known as cretinism, which is marked by severe physical and mental abnormalities.

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