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Calcitonin Calcitonin Calcitonin

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Q: What hormone controls the metabolism of calcium?
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Which endocrine gland controlys your metabolism?

The thyroid gland controls your metabolism with the hormone thyroxine.

What controls the metabolism of calcium?

Calcitonin Calcitonin Calcitonin

What hormone are parathyroid hormon?

Parathyroid produces hormone parathamon.It controls Calcium and phosphate level.

What hormone controls metabolism?

A lot of them. It also depends what you are trying to break down.

What controls the sugar metabolism?

A hormone called insulin regulates your sugar levels.

What is the function of the parathyroids?

It controls the Calcium and Phosphate level.Parathamon hormone involves in it.

What is calcitonin?

Calcitonin is another term for thyrocalcitonin, a hormone which regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism.

What is the important of parathyroid hormone?

Parathamone is parathyroid hormone.It controls calcium and phosphate level.

Which vitamin functions like a hormone?

Vitamin D functions like a hormone and controls body levels of calcium and phosphorus and the mineralization of bones

What controls the amount of calcium in the blood?

The parathyroid harmone ( produced by parathyroid glands) and calcitonin (produced by the thyroid glands) regulates the calcium metabolism in the body.

What hormone works with the parathyroid hormoneto decrease calcium leveles in the blood and tissues?

Calcitocin works with parathormone to regulate the calcium level of body. Parathormone rises the calcium level and calcitonin reduces it.

Hormones help control the calcium levels in the blood?

Yes, a hormone named calcitonin secreted from thyroid and parathyroid glands controls calcium in body.