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It isCholecystokinin

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Q: What hormone signals satiety in the human body?
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What is one hormone in the human body?


What is the main function of hormone's in the human body?

regulate body functions

What is growth hormone in the human body?

A hormone that eventually stimulates growth. Also called somatotropin.

What hormone in the human body controls blood levels?


What produces human growth hormone?

The endocrine system of your body

What system sends chemicals through your body?


Where is the brains control of satiety located?

The brain's control of satiety is regulated by a complex system involving several regions, including the hypothalamus, brainstem, and cortex. The hypothalamus plays a key role in integrating signals related to hunger and satiety, while the brainstem helps regulate the body's energy balance and feeding behavior. These regions work together to maintain homeostasis and regulate food intake.

How does the brain work with other systems to keep the body healthy?

By sending signals throughout the body to regulate hormone levels, fight infections, and keep the whole body functioning.

How does the human body get insulin?

Insulin is a hormone manufactured by B-cells in the Pancreas.

Hormone production is self regulated by which mechanism?

Hormone production is self-regulated through a negative feedback mechanism. This means that when hormone levels in the blood reach a certain threshold, the body signals the glands to stop producing that hormone until levels drop back down. This helps maintain a balance of hormones in the body.

Which organ controls the human body?

Is human growth hormone bad for you?

When your body is making not enough growth hormone, external human growth hormone is not bad for you, it will help you to grow to normal (standard) hight. Otherwise, when you should take external human growth hormone in addition to your own sufficient supply, it could harm your health in various ways.