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Q: What hormones is responsible for starting labor in pregnant woman?
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What hormone is responsible for starting labor in a pregnant woman?


Can the mother of the pregnant mom have sympathetic labor pains?

It is possible for the mother of a pregnant woman to have Couvade syndrome, or sympathetic labor pains. Most doctors believe that feeling sympathetic pain is psychosomatic -- meaning all in your head -- but other doctors believe that it is caused by fluctuations in hormones.

What medications is hormones the improve uterin contractions?

Oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for uterine contractions. This is important during labor, and sometimes the doctor will prescribe an artificial version to give to the expectant mother to start the labor process.

When your cat bleeding by her butt and shes pregnant What is wrong?

It depends on how far in the pregnancy she is. If it is close to time for her to have the kittens it may be labor starting.

Can you hit a pregnant woman if provoked?

No! Pregnant women can act very differently than normal because of hormones but then you WALK AWAY! She has no right to hit you and you have no right to hit her. High stress can have a very negative impact on her and if late in the pregnancy it can induce labor.

Which cabinet is responsible for labor standards?

Secretary Of Labor.

What hormones do doctors give women to induce labor?


What cabinet officer is responsible for labor standards?

The Deparment of Labor

What hormone is responsible for the beginning stages of labor?

Progesterone. When the level of progesterone drops, it causes the uterus wall to begin contracting, which pushes the baby's head into the cervix, starting the positive feedback loop of contractions in labor.

Which cabinet officer would be responsible labor standords?

The Dept. of Labor

Woman pregnant and her belly buttonpops out is she in labor yes or no?

when a woman pregnant and her belly button pops out does that mean she in labor yes or no

What two hormones are essential to initiate labor in humans?

Oxytocin and endorphin.