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Flagship in Galveston, Tx. Destroyed by hurrican, though.

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Q: What hotel is the only one in North America that was built over water?
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When did north America connected to South America?

when the ice in the ice age melted, Estonia, all of the continents connected with more land over water, water flooded the land creating our continents, north America and south America were still connected.

What is the largest water shed in north America?

what is the largest water shed in north america

Which hotel was the first to furnish soap and water?

The Tremont built in Boston in 1829.

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Does saving water in North America help water crisis in Africa?

Depends on what you do with the water you save or the money saved. Could help, but if you just save it and keep it in North America, no.

What is the largest inland body of water of North America?

The largest drainage basin in North America is the Gulf of Mexico.

What was the geography in North America like in the 1600s and 1700s?

Life was organized with rural areas surrounding a main city. Cities were built near water sources for trade access.

Is the Caribbean sea located north or south of South America?

It is in-between the continents of north America and south America however I would say that it is in the north Americana continent.

What is the name of the large body of water separaitng north and south America from Europe and Africa?

The body of water separating North and South America is the Atlantic Ocean

What body of water is between north America and south America?

Gulf of Mexico!

What water way divides south America from north America?

The Panama Canal.

Which continent is not entirely surrounded by water?

Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Africa are not completely surrounded by water (Although if counting the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal, then North America, South America, and Africa would be completely surrounded by water).