

What hours does a chemical engineer work?

Updated: 2/28/2021
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10y ago

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As a general rule, 8 hours.

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They work on chemical battery cells, for companies like Duracell and energizer.

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Does a veterinary surgeon earn more money than a chemical engineer?

This will depend upon the specific company you work for, but in general I believe a chemical engineer would make more money.

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· Chemical Engineer · Civil Engineer · Computer Hardware Engineer

What a chemical engineer earns?

A chemical engineer earns 60,000.00-80,000.00 yearly.

How many hours can a railroad engineer work?

A railroad engineer can operate a train for 12 hours, there is no federal restriction on how long they may work, but an engineer, conductor, or brakeman must have 10 hours rest before the start of each shift.

what kind of chemical engineer work is out there?

If you like the disciplines of chemistry and engineering then the field of chemical engineering might be for you.Some of the main fields they work for are pharmaceuticalsand anything to do with recycling.

Can you become a petroleum engineer with a chemical engineer degree?

It is possible since almost the major subjects of both the disciplines match. A chemical engineer can go for post-graduate study in petroleum engineering easily. Generally, chemical and petroleum engineers would work together in a petroleum/oil& gas industry.

What is an engineer that starts with the letter C?

chemical engineer computer engineer