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Q: What human anti inflammatory medications are safe for dogs?
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Crohns disease and does it affect dogs?

Yes, dogs are diagnosed with this intestinal disease and are often treated with anti-inflammatory medications.

Can you use guaifenesin for dogs?

No, you should never give human medications to your pets. Dogs (and cats) react very differently to human medications and this can sometimes be fatal.

What do you do if your dog eats Advil?

Advil is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. First, estimate how many pills your dog swallowed. Second, call your vet for specific guidance. SOME human medications can be used in dogs and cats, but some medications are toxic to pets. Your vet can tell you precisely what to do, including if you need to have your dog seen at the vet's office.

What anti-inflammatory can you give dogs?

Buffered aspirin is fine to give to a dog. Ask your veterinarian for the proper dosage based on your dog's size.

What medicines are bad for dogs?

The short answer is all human medications - they are formulated and tested specifically for humans, and many of them can cause severe side effects or even death in dogs. In the vast majority of cases, you need to get medications that are specifically marketed for dogs. In the few instances where human medications are safe for dogs, once the dose is adjusted, you still need veterinary instruction or prescription to use them - using human medications in a dog is an off-label drug use that requires a medical professional such as a veterinarian to approve it.

What human medicines can a dog take that will not hurt them?

Without a veterinarian's prescription or recommendation, none - human medications are dosed out for humans, and dogs generally need a much smaller dose. In certain situations, you can use over-the-counter anti-histamine drugs on dogs, but the dose needs to be set by your veterinarian specifically for your dog.

What is a natural anti-inflammatory for dogs?

There aren't any effective natural (non-prescription) antibiotics for dogs, and many of the natural/holistic/herbal/traditional preparations suggested can actually be toxic to dogs. For a superficial, non-complicated infection, your dog may be able to fight off the bacteria on his own. However, most bacterial infections, if severe enough to be noticed by an owner, will need to be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian.

Are there any human medications to help your dogs muscles and joints and to walk better?

Ask your vet!

Can you give Imodium to puppies?

No, you should never give human medications to your dog. Dogs react very differently to human medications and this could make them very sick.

Is allegra safe to give to a dog?

No - do not give your dog ANY human medication without a vet's directions. Most human medications are poisonous to dogs.

What should dogs take for arthritis?

For dogs with arthritis i suggest that if they are struggling with walks cut down your walking time. eg. you take your dog for half an hour walks, try taking five minute walks and stop when your dog needs to. Also be careful with what your feeding your dog because sometimes that contributes to arthrits. If you feed your dog human food even as a treat I suggest you stop. Hope this Helps!

What do you give your dog for a toothache?

At home, nothing - dogs do not react to medications like humans do, and there are no safe human pain medications for dogs to have. You should make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your dog's teeth examined and the veterinarian will determine how to relieve your dog's pain.