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Q: What human qualities were most influenced in shaping the way Ceasr Chavez lived and influenced his times?
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Is Cesar Chavez parents still alive?

Yes, his parents are Librado Chavez (father) and Juana Chavez (mother).

What was the legacy of ceasr Chavez?

Nothing! He is a Nazi Communist and has killed many of his people. This won't stop until the US military intervenes in Venezuela. Socialism for the 21st century? More like dead people and suffering forever.

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yes in on of ceasr race mission in the contry side and cj dont like him

Ancient rome before the rise of juilus ceasr used what type of practical government?

Before and after the rise and fall of Gaius Julius Caesar as Dictator, the Romans used a republican form of government, although prior to Caesar's rise to power it was a theoretically democratic republic, whilst afterwards, there was constant conflict over who should gain control, as Caesar had.

What was the most powerful governing body in the Roman Republic?

The people that have that kind of power was the senate which at the time had basic control over everything since they did all the voting. except when ceasr was in power he gave himself absolute power over everyone and did everything that he wanted. But when he had been killed his adopted son went into to the leadership roll who was Augustus but he didn't want to make the same mistake his father made so he did what the senate wanted him to do which made them give him complete power but he did not ask for this he just waited for them to give it to him. So yes the senate has all of the power in Rome if you go by this.

How many months were named after the Romans?

January = Janus, Feruary = Februa [purification], March - Mars [god of war], April - aperire [open], June - Juno [roman goddess], July - Julius [Ceasar], August - Julius Ceasar Augustus [Emperor Octavian], Septemers - septimus [seventh month], October - octo [eighth month], November - novem [nine month], December - decem [tenth month] all 11 months have Roman/ Latin origin except May who most probably was named after the greek goddess Maia who by the Romans was identified as the goddess of fertility.