

What human syndrome is a monosomy?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What human syndrome is a monosomy?
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Which monosomy can a human have and still survive?

Monosomy X (Turner syndrome) is the only known survivable monosomy.

Is klinefelter's syndrome monosomy or trisomy?

A trisomy. A monosomy is when there is only one of a chromosome. A trisomy is when there are three of a chromosome. In Klinefelter's syndrome, there are three sex chromosomes.

What some other example of monosomy?

Turner Syndrome

What is the more common name of monosomy X?

Turner syndrome or Ullrich-Turner syndrome.

How many chromosomes does a human with monosomy have?


If a human gamete with an extra chromosome participates in fertilization with a normal gamete what conditions result?

It depends on what's missing. Zygotes missing a chromosome (monosomy) have 45 chromosomes and many do survive; some human monosomies are monosomy 7, 11 or 13. A monosomy X results in Turner syndrome; there must be at least one X chromosome, or the embryo won't survive.

Is Down syndrome also known as Monosomy 21?

No, that is false. Down Syndrome is also known as Trisomy-21. Monosomy is a condition where one chromosome is missing from what should be a pair in every cell throughout the body. Trisomy indicates a chromosome has three copies instead of a pair.

What causes turner syndrome?

Nothing 'causes' Turner Syndrome it is simply random geneticsGenetic mosaicism is most often implicated alongside nondidjunction and partial monosomy

What causes monosomy?

The l virus that usually causes mononucleosis is the "Epstein-Barr virus". However it can also be caused by "Cytomegalovirus".

What is Monosomy?

Here are two examples that result in 'early fetal death' - Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18. Meaning that when the normal [genetic] chromosomal complement is a chromosome pair, three copies of each chromosome are present and this is lethal.

Is 45 x the only known human live born monosomy?


Which type of mutation can lead to the loss of gene chromosome?

The term is monosomy, in which one chromosome of a pair is missing. Turner's Syndrome is an example of monosomy, in which there is only one sex chromosome, which is the X chromosome. Humans with Turner's Syndrome are female, but sterile. The genotype of the sex chromosomes in Turner's Syndrome is XO, in which O represents a missing chromosome.