

What hunts horses for prey?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Any of the large predators - wolves, bobcats, etc. - will hunt horses as prey.

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What hunts a prey?

a carnivor.

What hunts horses?

They shoot horses, don't they. not hunt horses.Another Answer:Horses fall prey to carnivores, so any horse can be hunted by a wild animal, including wolves, a large cat or a bear.

How horses hunts and eats?

Horses prey animals, they do not hunt. They have eyes on the side of their heads to watch out for predators. Horses mainly graze grass and a few forbs making them herbivores, not carnivores or omnivores typical of most animals that hunt.

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Hunts it, kills it, eats it

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What is a creature being hunted called?

Prey. Predator is the creature that hunts prey.

What is the predatore?

A predator is an animal (or human) who hunts another animal (or human). A predator hunts prey.

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Predator is something that hunts another creature. Prey is their target.