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I've been stung by all three and I think the hornet hits the hardest and hurts the worse overall by far. The wasp on the other hand hurts more when it bites than when a bee stings but the pain from the bee last longer. This makes it hard to say which hurts more. I guess it's according to whether you'd want to get the pain over quick and have it hurt more for a minute or have it hurt less while lasting longer. If i were ranking them I'd say the hornet is number one, the bee second and the wasp a close third.

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Q: What hurt more bee wasp or hornet?
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A brown bee is a hornet or wasp that is the color brown>

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there is no bee, wasp, hornet, and honey bee that has a triangle stinger. (they all have cone stingers).

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they both die because if the bee stings the wasp it would kill the wasp but the bee would die to because when ever a bee stings something it die thats why both of them will die.

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Here is two links of a wasp and a one of a hornet. Wasp: German Wasp: Hornet:

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Well, most of the time the bee/hornet/wasp leaves its stinger in your leg which leads to its slow and painful death. :)

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Yes wasp and hornet freeze works but only if you catch them standing still.

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Sometimes a stinger can be more painful because a wasp, bee, or hornet injects poison at the site of the sting which can really increase the acuteness of the pain.

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Wasps are a group of predatory, flying and stinging insects, while the hornet is the largest insect among the wasps.

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The hoverfly imitates the wasp but I am not sure of an insect that imitates a bee. It could be a yellow jacket or a hornet, both of which have extremely painful stings. Also, some people are so allergic to their stings, even to the point of it being fatal if not treated in time.