

What ia second degree burn?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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For a second degree burn, you will see redness. There will also be blisters forming.

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Q: What ia second degree burn?
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It sometimes can. Usually it doesn't. A burn that results in a blister is usually second degree.

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What burn has blisters plus damage only to the epidermis and dermis?

Second-degree burn

Would a second degree burn be painful?

Yes a second degree burn is painful. They burn damages your nerve cells.

What is a second degree burn charatised?

For a second degree burn, you will see redness. There will also be blisters forming.

Second degree burn is also called?

A second degree burn (as it's most commonly called) is also what is called Partial-thickness burns to EMS personnel.

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second degree

Another name for third degree burns?

Second degree are also called partial-thickness burns. They are the second least severe type.

Blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin are symptoms of what type of burns?

it has an alergic reaction untreded the person with the rash will die whithin a month

What are names of over counter second degree burn creams?

There are no OTC second degree burn creams. They are all available without a perscription.

What is the difference between first second and third degree burns?

The amount of damage. A first degree is usually redness and pain, a second degree burn blisters and a third degree burn destroys tissue.

Can i clean my burn with peroxide you have a second degree burn?

Not advised. You need actual burn dressings.