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Odysseus thinks up the Trojan horse. A large scale wooden horse... which is hollow. Greek troops hide inside and one person is left outside the horse to explain that the horse is a gift from he surrendering Greek troops (inside the horse). Trojans wheel it into their city and at night when they are all asleep the Greeks take over the city.

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Q: What idea does Odysseus have to defeat the Trojans?
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Why did Odysseus want to defeat the Trojans?

Loot, which is what the 10 year looting of Western Asia Minor was all about.

Is Odysseus Trojan?

No, Odysseus is Greek; he fights the Trojans.

Why is odyssues a hero?

Odysseus came up with the giant wooden horse idea to trick the Trojans and conquer Troy.

Whose side was Odysseus on?

Odysseus fought with the Greeks against the Trojans.

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Odysseus was called from his homeland of Ithica to fight the Trojans.

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Odysseus says that the proudest day of his life was the day he won the Trojan War by using the Trojan Horse strategy to infiltrate the city of Troy and defeat the Trojans.

How old was Telemachus when Odysseus went to war with the Trojans?

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What is Odysseus's connection to the fall of Troy?

In Homers Iliad, Odysseus is the man who had the idea of the Trojan Horse. T roy had been under siege for many years, but the Greeks had not been able to break its defenses. However, then Odysseus had the idea of building a great wooden horse, and hiding Greek soldiers inside it. They would pretend to retreat, and leave the horse (with soldiers inside) as a "gift". They did this, and the Trojans took the horse inside the city. At night, when the Trojans thought that they had won the long war, the Greeks inside the horse opened the gates to the city, and the rest of the Greek army swarmed in. They then defeated the Trojans, who were unaware. This was the Fall of Troy, and Odysseus' connection to it was by thinking up of the plan which led to the city being sacked.

Why do the Achaeans took so long to defeat the Trojans?

We do not know much about the actual timing of the Trojan War, so this will focus on what is written in The Iliad and The Odyssey. The first issue is that the beachhead was difficult for the Greeks to take. The ground was strongly sloped and the Trojans had the high-ground. The second major issues is that Ancient Greeks did not have sophisticated siege weaponry, which meant that it was effectively impossible for them to breach the Trojan Walls surrounding the city until Odysseus came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse, which allowed for the Trojans to "self-breach" the city walls.

What was the name of the conflict Odysseus fought in?

The battle of Troy which was the Trojans against the Greeks.

What was the reason of Poseidon's wrath over Odysseus?

Poseidon was on the side of the Trojans, Odysseus was not. Odysseus also blinded Poseidon's son, a Cyclops... whose name I will not attempt to spell.