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the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

the ancient Greeks thought that the gods were punishing them for bad things they have done

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Q: What ideas did the Greeks have for the cause of illness?
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The Greeks had tons of ideas. They were just overflowing with thoughts and genius inventions.

What ideas developed in Greek city-states.?

what ideas developed in Greeks city-states

How were roman people practical?

They borrowed ideas from the Greeks.

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ideas and original thoughts

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An illness that is able to cause death.

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The ideas of Greeks 500 B.C. in Athens.

Can consipation cause delay in periods?

No, but if constipation is caused by illness, the illness can cause a period to be late.