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Q: What idiom means to act whole conditions are favourable?
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What does the idiom 'talk a blue streak' mean?

It means talk a lot - a whole lot!

What does the idiom 'a whole mess of' mean?

This is a Southern US saying meaning 'a whole lot of' something.

What does the idiom im going to whole hog to get your goat?

to go all out to get someone angry.

What does the idiom ace in the whole mean?

Nothing. The correct idiom is "ace in the hole," which literally means that you have an ace card (the highest value in the deck) hidden away somewhere so you can win the card game. It's come to mean any situation where you have a hidden advantage or something you can "pull out" to win the situation.

What does the idiom 'take into account' mean?

It's not really an idiom - "to account" is to tally up, add together, or count everything, so if you take something into account, you're adding the information into the whole.

What's the meaning of the idiom nothing could be farther from the truth?

almost the truth so tell the whole story why lie when you close to telling the whole story.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'She had her whole life ahead of her'?

This idiom has nearly reached cliche status. It is often offered in an eulogy as an expression that someone has died early (and usually expectantly) in life and was about to do great things with his or her life.

Opened up a whole new can of worms?

A whole new can of worms from my dictionary means: A very complicated situation that causes a lot of problems when you start to deal with it: For example, I just don't know what to do - every solution I can think of would just open up a whole new can of worms; and given the example, the idiom phrase normally goes along with the phrasal verb "to open up".

What does go whole dog' means?

a whole dog means the parts of the dog is called whole dog

Are there any rap songs to remember the meaning of the word idiom?

You don't really need a whole song to remember the definition of one word. Make up a silly rhyme or short sentence instead. An idiom is a phrase that seems to mean one thing, but really means something quite different. You can't figure it out just by defining the words. You could make up any rhyme or sentence you want to. You could say "Figure out an idiom/Don't be an idiot ... or What does it mean/Don't be tense/Idioms seem/To make no sense!

What does sound sleep mean in idioms?

"Sound sleep" in idioms refers to a deep, undisturbed sleep that is peaceful and restful. It conveys a sense of satisfaction and relaxation from a good night's rest.

How can you find the meaning of an idiom without a dictionary?

You really can't most of the time. The whole thing about idioms is that they make no sense if you try to figure them out literally.