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Verify that they were actually deposited. For me, I would make copies of the signed checks before handing them over to anyone. Hopefully the trustee will send you both the copies of the checks and a copy of the deposit receipt.

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Q: What if I did not sign the tax refund checks that I gave to the trustee?
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_________________ [signature line] John Doe, Trustee of the Biff Doe Trust.

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The minimum age for a trustee in a living trust is typically 18 years old. However, it is advisable to choose a trustee who is mature, responsible, and capable of managing the trust assets effectively.

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This might indicate that at least part of the ownership was held in trust, and the trustee represents the trust. One or more authorized trustees of the trust must sign the deed or authorize someone else to sign with a proper power of attorney.

Does your deaseased moms IRS refund go to her estate?

Yes, the IRS refund will go to the estate. No one else would be authorized to sign the check.

What would you think if a trustee asks you to sign away your rights to a trust so he can reinvest the money?

A person with assets sometimes decides to set aside some of those assets in a trust that will pay over the profits, or assets for the use and benefit of another person. A trustee is appointed to act in regards to the trust property. Generally, the power to reinvest the trust property is included in the powers of the trustee. A beneficiary would not be required to sign away rights as a beneficiary so the trust funds could be reinvested. The beneficiary is someone the donor cares about. The trust instrument, written by the donor, directs what the trustee may do with the trust property and how the payments must be made to the beneficiary. The trustee MUST follow the provisions of the trust unless the trust instrument allows her/him to use discretion. To your question: It raises suspicion that the trustee has asked that you "sign away your rights in the trust". You should seek the advice of an attorney who could review the trust and the actions of the trustee and advise you on how you should proceed in order to protect your interests as a beneficiary. Until then, sign nothing.

Do you sign a cashiers check if you are the purchaser?

Cashiers checks, also known as tellers checks or bank checks, are signed by a representative of the bank, not the purchaser. Money orders are typically signed by the purchaser.

Can someone go to jail for forged checks even if the other person gave permission to do it?

Yes, forging checks is illegal regardless of whether permission was given, and can result in criminal charges and potential jail time. Even with permission, altering someone's signature on a check constitutes fraud and is considered a criminal offense.