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That is completely normal :)

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Q: What if a guinea pigs back legs are pink?
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Related questions

What coulers can guinea pigs be?

Guinea pigs can be all sorts of color: ginger, white, black ,brown ,cream ,grey ,pink (when bold).

What is an example of a alliteration poem of pigs?

pink pigs playfully party past policemen

How can you tell if a Guineapig is a girl?

this is how you tell if a guinea pig is a girl: 1. pick it up and place it gently on its back. 2. gently separate the guinea pigs back legs (they may squirm a little). 3. if its a boy there will be a pink like willy but smaller pointing up towards you but if it a girl there will be a big hole there for you to put your tongue in :) hope this helps you

What coulers can pigs be?

Guinea pigs can be all sorts of color: ginger, white, black ,brown ,cream ,grey ,pink (when bold).

Can you get pink eye from a ferret?

No. Guinea pigs can't catch illnesses from humans, or vice versa.

Do guinea pigs lick other guinea pigs eyes?

this isn't random and yes most guinea pigs actually do this...they do it as a sign of affection towards each other and to clean any watery build up on the eyes

What colours are my guinea pigs?

pink blue black purple brown orange green yellow ^^ so mature :/

Give me a sentence for pink pigs?

Pink pigs are really white pigs that are sunburned. Pink Pigs are usually yorkshires. Babe, Wilbur and Gordy are all examples of pink pigs.

What are albino giraffes?

albino giraffes are white and have pink eyes just like blind guinea pigs that's what they look like

Are guinea pigs allowed the yellow bit of a water melon?

No, the red color of the watermelon flesh is destroyed in digestion.

What if your guinnea pig has a pink patch in cornor of his cage you also noticed this once last week then nothing again till nowIve been feeding him tomato could this b the problem?

guinea pigs can eat tomatoes so this may not be your guinea pigs problemo x

Are pigs colorblind?

Yes, pigs are colorblind. They can only see back and white.