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It's probabley dead

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Q: What if a hermit crab doesn't move when touched?
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How does a hermit crab Fits its big body in the small shell?

When a hermit crab outgrows its shell, it will move into a larger shell.

How do hermit crab move in the sea and on land?

They have legs.

Why did the hermit crab need to move in January?

It was to cold

How do hermit crab move?

Sideways. Glad to help you m8

Can you make a hermit crab move into another shell?

no u dimwittt

How can you find out if your hermit crab it alive without touching its pitcher?

i have hermit crabs and normally they will smell or they will just not move for a long time

How can you tell if the hermit crab died?

They won't move, drink, eat or use the loo.

You found your hermit crab dead without it shell on what did you do wrong?

well, did you have spare shells for him to move into? if not, he couldn't desperately find a new home. if you do and you have other hermit crabs in the tank, then your best bet is that he was in a fight for a shell that another hermit crab was interested in and, obviously, lost the fight. sorry for the loss of your hermit crab and i am sure that it wasn't your fault entirely.

What do you do when a hermit crab looses its shell?

If your crab looses it's shell, isolate it from the other crabs. Then, provide it with other shells and hopefully it will move in.

How does a hermit crab move?

Answer:It scuttles on four legs and two pincers hauling it's shell.

How does a crab care for itself?

Anemones attach themselves to the hermit crabs, to provide as a source of camouflage from its prey. They depend on hermit crabs to move about and to search for food

How does a land hermit crab's belly look like?

If you own a hermit crab, they ALWAYS have to change shells. So, when they change it you will see their 'belly' when they move to shell to shell. Do not try pulling it out of it's shell, that is very rude and cruel