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Q: What if adult leaves harassing message to a minor?
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how is an adult charged for harassing a minor?

he/she is asked to never repeat it again.

Can a custodial parent get in trouble if that parent leaves the country for vacation and leaves minor child with step dad?

It depends on the exact language in the custody decree, but ordinarily a custodial parent is allowed to place a minor child in the temporary care of any responsible adult.

Can a Parent of an Adult file civil suit against an minor for gifts the adult gave the minor?

No. You play no part in the adult giving a gift to the minor.

In Alabama If your a minor and you have a baby are you legally an adult?

No. You are a minor with a baby. 18 is the age you become an adult.

What trouble can a minor get in if he hits an adult And the minor is 17?

He will probably be charged as an adult and face trial for assault and battery.

If a 17 year old leaves contact information and where they will be can parents still call them in to the police as a runaway?

Yes because they are still a minor, not an adult and are not legally responsible for themselves.

If minor has parent permission and gets pregnant by an adult?

A parent that gives permission for a minor to have sex with an adult is committing a crime, as is the adult with whom the minor has sex. Think about it. If it is okay for a parent to give permission for a minor to have sex with an adult, at what age is ok? 15? 12? 10? What about 4 or 5? It is the responsibility of the parent to protect their minor child.

Results of a minor being pregnant by an adult?

Hopefully, a lawsuit by the parents of the the case that the intercourse was not consentual. If the minor WANTED to have sex with the adult, there is really nothing the parents can do.

Can you go to jail for protecting a minor from an adult?

Depending on how you are protecting the minor from an adult you could go to jail. If you are protecting the minor within the guidelines of the law then you will not go to jail.

How to cross the US border with a minor?

A minor needs a passport, same as an adult.

Can an emancipated minor go to jail?

Yes, an emancipated minor can still face legal consequences and go to jail if they break the law. Emancipation only grants the minor certain adult rights but does not exempt them from legal responsibility.

Can a minor marry an adult with parental consent?

It depends on where you live and how old the minor is.