

What if all plants died?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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The best answer I've heard is that the food chain would collapse. How long can you go without eating? We would be a rather grouchy planet in a few days and would be likely to die from food wars (that would be the primary affect on humans as opposed to other animals). Many suggest running out of oxygen but the atmosphere is huge (About 80% of the total mass of the atmosphere is contained in the first 6-7 miles over the surface of the earth) and contains 20% oxygen. Animals primarily inhabit the surface of land (plus a good bit of ocean creatures) so they are not likely to be able to consume all the oxygen before starving. I don't think there is enough biomass to account for the excess oxygen but somebody could crunch the numbers to be sure. Some suggest the decaying matter would consume the oxygen but the wood mass (trees and wood structures) across the earth contain millions of tons of carbon and would take years to rot - we would starve well before that.

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15y ago
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15y ago

then all of the plant eating animals would soon die and then the carnavors would start to eat the other carnovors the soon everything in the world would soon die off and the world would soon end

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14y ago we would all perish a fatal death. Plants produce the oxygen that we breathe and we can't live without them.

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13y ago

There would be no oxygen killing any living thing on earth and turn it into a baron planet

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14y ago

Life as we know it would cease.

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