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Then you don't have a tooth, you can get a false tooth though

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Q: What if an adult takes out a permanent tooth?
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What is the reason you still have a baby tooth as an adult?

You probably have either a congenitally missing or impacted permanent adult tooth.

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

What is a baby tooth?

A baby tooth is a tooth which will be replaced when it has been lost by the child to whom it belongs, and replaced with a permanent, adult tooth.

How many decidious teeth does an adult have?

A diciduous tooth is also known as a baby tooth or primary tooth. In normal development, all diciduous teeth are lost and replaced by permanent teeth by adulthood. However, if a permanent or adult tooth fails to develop or erupt in the correct location, a diciduous tooth can remain throughout adulthood.

What about baby teeth that have no adult teeth?

Babies and young children don't have any adult teeth. Baby teeth fall out before permanent teeth emerge through the gum, or if baby teeth have not fallen out before, an emerging permanent tooth pushes the baby one out. In some cases, a permanent tooth can push up either in front of or behind a baby tooth and dental services are needed to remove the baby tooth and to straighten the adult tooth's alignment.

What does mixed period dentition begin with?

Either when a permanent molar erupts in the back or with the loss of a deciduous (baby) tooth and eruption of a permanent (adult) tooth taking its place. Whichever happens first.

How long can dead baby teeth remain before they mess up the adult teeth?

Generally the primary teeth will stay in until an adult tooth (permanent tooth) is ready to come in. It'll gradually push the tooth out. This can last anywhere from 12-36 months, depending on the speed of the child's permanent teeth development.

What does the mixed dentition period begin with?

Permanent dentition begins with the eruption of the first permanent molars.

How can you tell if a tooth is an adult one?

How old are you? If you are young (under 12 or 13 years old) and if you haven't hit the tooth lately, then it's probably a baby tooth. It is rare for a child to have a loose adult tooth. If you are an adult and have a loose tooth, it could be gum disease.

Can you have a cavity if its a permanent tooth?

Yes, you can you can get a cavity in a baby tooth as well as a permanent tooth.

My son just lost his front baby tooth and now there is a pointed sliver of a tooth where his permanent tooth should be. Is this his adult tooth or just an extra piece of tooth that pushed through?

More that likely it was a small left over peice or fragment if you will left from the tooth.

When will upper canine erupt. it fell off 8 months ago still no sign of eruption for a 6 years old boy?

Your dog got his adult/permanent teeth in at about 4 months of age. At 6 years old if he loses a tooth, that is his permanent tooth and nothing is going to regrow. Just make sure that there is no infection where the tooth was lost. Check for redness and swelling. Again there will be no replacement tooth as that was his permanent tooth.