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Then you're NOT divorced. Both husband and wife MUST sign the divorce papers for the disillusion of marriage to be legal.

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Q: What if divorce papers sent are not signed by plaintiff?
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My ex wife filed for divorce in las Vegas 1990 she sent me the paper work in Cincinnati Ohio which i signed and sent back i need a copy of the divorce paper where can i locate them who do i get in tou?

go online to las Vegas clerk of county records, or las Vegas office of vital statistics and search for divorce papers they should be able to overnight in most cases

How long can it take for a divorce to happen if your spouse is in jail or drug rehab facility?

My x was in jail I went and filed for a divorce in February he was served the papers and he kept the papers for a few weeks he sent them back to the lawyer and we were divorced in June. Did take that long, would have been done sooner if he would have sent them back sooner.

Can you divorce a husband that's in prison?

Yes you can. The process is different because one individual is incarcerated and would not be able to attend the court precedings. You can send the divorce papers to them through the mail yourself or have it sent through a lawyers office as legal mail. The incarcerated individual would then sign the papers and send them back so that your can file the papers with the court and get your divorce.

How does a person file for divorce if they live in France and their spouse lives in the United States?

In most countries it is usually the same process. You must file for divorce in France and they will require that you serve them with the divorce papers and this is accomplished with your spouses signature as proof that he received the divorce papers. One thing...It DOES NOT have to be his/her signature as receiving the papers. For example if it is sent to where your spouse works any signature will do as it is understood that your spouse was the final recipient of the divorce papers. If his personal or business address is NOT KNOWN then you will be required to publish in the last city where your spouse was known to live or you believe he/she is living an article stating that you have filed for divorce. In the USA it is usually a 4-6 month process. It may vary in France.

If you were sent a certified letter what could it be?

There are several reasons why a person could receive a certified letter. The letter could be a bill, official paperwork such as divorce papers, etc.

What happens if you file for divorce but do not sign any papers in front of the judge?

You don't need to sign them in front of the judge. Usually, they are sent to your lawyer and you sign them there and send them back. They will come to you with the court stamp and date with the judge's signature and the divorce is over.

How do you get a devoric if your spouse is gone and you want to keep everything and you have a 22 year old child with them?

Yo must file divorce papers and you will be requested to put an ad in the newspaper of his last known address. Remember that you can always contact his family and find out or at least a friend. The papers can be sent there with proof of service and if he doesn't answer you will get the divorce and everything you requested.

What is the difference between serving divorce papers and filing for divorce?

When you initiate any lawsuit, the first thing you do is file a Complaint or Petition. This is a document outlining what you want and why you are legally entitled to it. (In a divorce, you sue the other person for dissolution of marriage.) This document is filed with the clerk of court, and is called a case. This process is commonly referred to as filing for divorce. Once your Complaint is filed, you must then give the defendant formal legal notice of the pending lawsuit. This is done by "service of process," meaning you serve them. Different states have different rules for how a Complaint may be serve, but it typically involves having the sheriff or another authorized person physically place the documents in the Defendant's hands. Once a person has been served, they have a certain period of time (20-30 days, depending on jurisdiction) to file an Answer, or a formal document responding to the Complaint. The Answer must be filed with the court, and also sent to the Plaintiff or Plaintiff's attorney by mail or hand delivery. If your serving for divorce you have the court documents (papers) showing you have filed for the divorce with the courts. Filing for a divorce is the first step in the divorce process. The spouse then has to be served for the divorce proceedings to begin. When divorce papers are served they are officially given to the spouse and the court is made aware that the spouse is officially aware of the divorce.

How can I get my name off a car title that I sign over to a friend but he never sent out for a new title in his name?

If you filled out the title and signed it over and you have also filled out the transaction form on the registration papers as to what you did with the car then turned the papers and the plates in to the MVD it's no longer your responsibility.

Can you back out of a car deal after the papers are signed but the cash down payment was not given and the car was NOT taken off the lot?

More Than Likely. As long as the papers have not been sent in or filed on a government PC, then there should be no problem unless the car dealer is obstinate and problematic.

How long does it take to end a divorce after divorce papers have been sent to the courts?

Different states have defined waiting times. Some states require at least a 6 month wait - called a "cooling off period". California is one of those ... In Arizona it's 62 days.

Can you get a free copy of your divorce papers without signing up for something?

In general, obtaining a free copy of your divorce papers may be possible by contacting the court where the divorce was finalized. However, some courts may charge a small fee for providing copies. It is recommended to directly contact the court or visit their website for specific guidelines on obtaining divorce papers without additional sign-ups or requirements.