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Sperm can survive in the vagina up to 72 hours (roughly) after being deposited there, so yes, there is a risk of pregnancy.

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Q: What if he ejaculated inside of you and you will be ovulating two days later?
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About 2 weeks ago your boyfriend ejaculated in you twice 2 days later he did it again could you be pregnant?

Anytime a man ejaculates inside you there is a chance you could be pregnant, even if you are menstruating.

When is a girl not ovulating?

A girl is usually ovulating two weeks before her period or a week before her period. So a week or two after it she's not ovulating,but with some girls they know when they ovulate by certain signs.

Can you get pregnant when ovulating but your guy said he have not ejaculated?

Yes. A small amount of semen will usually leak prior to the main discharge w/o the guy feeling it, and you only need a little inside you to get pregnant. Pulling out and counting days are really, really unreliable methods if you want to avoid getting pregnant.

How much time sperms alive when ejaculated in mating?

Sperm can be viable for a few days inside a woman's body, even up to five days.

What if your ex boyfriend ejaculated inside of you on 090709 and 6 days later you have your period Then after your period was over then boyfriend ejaculate inside of you Who could the father be?

periods are a sign that you are not pregnant, yet there is a very small chance you will be pregnant from your ex. it is probly going to be your boyfriends baby. congrats

Can a girl get pregnant if the boy just live his penis inside her for a few minutes and she get her period five days later?

yes, it is depends on when your body ovulates, and if the male ejaculated inside of her (im assuming there was no protection) you should take a pregnancy test in about 2 weeks from the time you had intercouse

How many days can a sperm be alive inside?

Sperms survive 72 hours/ 3 days inside the woman's body.

Your fiance ejaculated inside of you twice eleven days ago could you be pregnant?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period.

What if a boy ejaculated in a empty pool and days later a woman entered it. Is it possible she got pregnant?

No, sperm cells are not active outside of the body that long.

Can you fall pregnant 1 week before ovulating?

you can. sperm lives inside for 3 days or so, so you definitely got a chance

Where can one get tips on getting pregnant?

The best recommended way to get pregnant or conceive is to find out when you are ovulating and try. The days you are ovulating are the days you are most fertile.

Can you get pregnant at any time in the month?

Your most likely to get pregnant when you are ovulating. However, sperms can live inside you for up to 5-7 days therefore it is possible to get pregnant if ejaculation happens few days before you start ovulating. In some cases a woman can ovulate twice in her cycle but this is extremely rare.