

What if my move is low?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What if my move is low?
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Does water move in semipermeable from high to low?

Water does move in semipermeable from high to low because all of the molecules have the need to constantly move around and will move to were ever there is room. so if there is a space with high and a space with low, the molecules in the high will move to the low and even themselves out.

Does it move from an area of high pressure to low pressure or low pressure to high pressure?

A fluid will move from high pressure to low pressure.

Does wind move from high to low or low to high pressure?

High to Low.

Explain how air moves differently in low and high pressure systems?

High Pressure Systems-Move Clockwise -Move downward -Move outward Low pressure systems- Move counter clockwise -Move inward -Move upward

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high to low

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It moves from high to low

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Yes they move toward lower potential energy.

Move 8?

R Low Block

Do fluids like air tend to move toward areas of high or low pressure?

Fluids tend to move toward low pressure areas.

What is low pressure weather?

low pressure weather is cold fronts that move NW.

Does diffusion go from high concentration to low concentration?

Yes, they move from high, to low.

The natural tendency of molecules to move from higher to lower concentrations is what?

When molecules of water move from high to low concentration, it is referred to as OSMOSIS.When solute molecules move from high to low concentration, it is referred to as DIFFUSION.