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There would be no carbon emissions. Nuclear power does not contribute to global warming.

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Q: What if nuclear fuel was used instead of fossil fuel?
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How is uranium used as a fossil fuel?

Uranium is not a fossil fuel; uranium is used as nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors.

Is nuclear a fuel or a fossil fuel?

Nuclear energy is not a fossil fuel or any fuel at all. Radiation is used to create energy. The energy is "the Fuel" petroleum

Is it true that coal and natural gas are the main fossil fuels used in nuclear power stations?

Fossil fuels are not used in nuclear power stations. Nuclear fuel is used (uranium)

Why is uranium used instead of other fossil fuels?

Uranium is used moreso because it is in fact NOT a fossil fuel. It is a heavy metal mined from an ore, and it's energy process is call nuclear fission.

How does nuclear energy differ from fossil fuels?

With fossil fuels we burn them to produce heat. With nuclear fuel we produce a nuclear chain reaction in a reactor which produces heat. Using the heat to produce electricity is the same for both types of fuel.

What fuels could be used instead of fossil fuels?

Fuel that can be used instead of fossil fuel :BiodieselBioAlcoholBattery as fuel (electric fuel cells)HydrogenArtificially produced combustible hydrocarbons [methane, butane,etc]Compressed Air

What happens to fuel rods that are used to create nuclear fission?

You have a misapprehension there, it is uranium oxide that is used in fuel rods, not fossil fuel

What can be used as a substitute for nuclear reactors?

No substitute for nuclear power reactors especially if there is no available fossil fuel.

What does not benefit of using biofuel instead of fossil fuels?

Fossil fuel may be used in the production of biofuels.

What fuels are used to heat the water to steam?

The fuel can be fossil fuel, ie coal oil,or natural gas, or it can be uranium in nuclear plants.

Do nuclear power plants make electricity from fossil fuel?

No. Nuclear power plants use a uranium to provide the heat to generate electricity from. By splitting the nuclei of uranium atoms (called nuclear fission), energy is released, which will be used for electricity generation. Uranium is a radioactive metal, not a fossil fuel.

What do nuclear energy and fossil fuel have in common?

They are hydrocarbons which burn with oxygen