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this means the girl wants you but she wants to know if you like her back. Try asking her out sometime.

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Q: What if the girl text you and most of the time on the phone but she keep telling that we are just friends?
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you look in his phone to see if theres any other girl texting him.IM ing him. Emailing him. but girls don't assume hes cheating on you. there probably just his (girl) friends. as in just a friend that's a girl. im sure you have friends that are guys. DONT YOU??

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If you just like her, it is acceptable. Do Not say "I love you." over a phone. Telling your feelings is always better in person anyways.

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Answer: She is telling you that she just wants to be friends... sorry Answer She is politely telling you to back away.

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Yes, it's very possible.

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The lady is telling you that she is not romantically interested in you. She may want to be friends with you, and nothing more, or she may just be saying that to ease your disappointment.

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Just keep telling him no. When you finally get sick of him bothering you might try asking one of his friends to tell him you just do not like him and that there is another girl for him out there.

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just tell her she may actually love you like you love her....

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No need. try telling your girl your new address and you two can be pen pals or you give her your new phone number and you can be phone friends or just stop by once a week or once a month.

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go for another girl.

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perhaps you should threaten him that you will dump him if he continues this thing

Is it ok for a boy to hangout with a girl just as friends?

Yup, as a guy I've had a ton of girl friends. Not uncommon, just avoid catching feelings.

How do you recover from telling a girl you like her but she secretly has friends with her?

Just Take A Deep Breath. DONT say it was a joke, because girls dont believe it. just stay straight and positive, who knows she might like you back! :D