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Q: What if the odor of urine is aromatic?
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What odor have kerosene?

The odor of kerosene is "aromatic".

An aromatic compound is any compound what has a distinct odor?

It is false; aromatic compounds is a category of organic compounds.But many other chemicals have a specific odor but they are not aromatic compounds (of course, in the chemical sense).

True or false an aromatic compound is any compound that has a distinict odor?

It is false; aromatic compounds is a category of organic compounds.But many other chemicals have a specific odor but they are not aromatic compounds (of course, in the chemical sense).

Is an aromatic compound any compound that has a distinct color?

It is false; aromatic compounds is a category of organic compounds with specific odor or color.But many other chemicals have a specific odor or color but they are not aromatic compounds (of course, in the chemical sense).

Does benzoic acid have an odor?

Acetic acid is an aliphatic (fatty) acid and a liquid while benzoic acid is an aromatic acid which exists in solid state.

Which liquid materials have strong odor?

For example aromatic hydrocarbons.

What are characteristics of aromatic hydrocarbons?

Principal characteristics of aromatic hydrocarbons are:- the contain benzenic rings- frequently they have an agreeable odor- they burn with soot; this is a disadvantage- the ratio carbon/hydrogen is great

What is the term uriniferous odor of breath?

urine smelling breath odor.

Bad urine odor?

Certain foods like asparagus can give urine a bad odor. It could be an infection. If you recently took vitamins, that could cause odor as well

Why many aromatic hydrocarbons do not have any odor while compounds that have a pleasant odor do not have aromatic rings?

when aromatic compounds were first discovered they were called aromatic due to their plesant odours but as you have rightly pointed out compouns such as diatomic hydrogen have pleasant smells its is becuase of this that the meaning of aromaticity changed as aromatic compounds are saturated stable compounds its the notion of delocalised electrons that defines a aromatic compound now as this enhances the stabilty of the compound so chemically aromatic and aromatic are not particularly synoynymous any more in fact chemical aromacity has very little to do with aromacity and ewhat it does to the oliafactory centres that gives us the perception of smell

Describe the odor of the urine of a person with ketosis?

A strong urine smell

How do you rid car of mouse urine?

There is a product called Zero Odor that removes urine smell. Simply spray it in the area of concern and you odor will be gone. Zero Odor does simply cover up the odor, it bonds onto the molecules and changes them so there is no more odor.