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Affects credit score

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Q: What if you are making the payment every month and its just late?
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Do you need to pay every month for minecraft pocket edition?

No you don't. Its just a 1-off $4.99/£4.99 payment.

Do landlords require a letter for rent payment?

Not all do. The purpose of a letter for rent payment is basically something a landlord can require prior to renting an apartment to you. This letter basically just states that you paid your rent on time every month. It is just a method landlords use to verify your rental history.

How much does minecraft cost each month?

You arent required to pay each month it is just one payment of about 20-30dollars

What if you owe a doctor money?

Call the doctor's office and ask to make payment arrangments. Tell them "you don't have much money but it is important to you to pay the bill and you want to see what you can work out". Legally, medical bills can not be put on your credit report or garnesh wages as long as you make payments, even if its $5 a month, or even a dollar a month, you just have to make the payment you arranged every single month.

How do you build credit?

Buying a house and making your mortgage payment on time is one way. As well as making regular and ON TIME payments on all your bills! The simplest way is with a credit card. Just be sure to pay off the balance each month to build "good" credit.

How can I pay off my house early?

The best way to pay off your house early, is just to pay more than the monthly payments every month. Say your payment is 200 a month, then pay 400 a month, that is double, and will help you pay it off twice as fast. Also, if you get behind, you won't loose your house.

If you get a month membership from club penguin do you have to pay every month or just the one month?

You have to pay $7.95 for a month of membership on Club Penguin ( for 1 month)

When your pregnant is your periods late just one month or every month?

While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.

Can you schedule your payments to credit card companies just slightly ahead of the date each month that they report to credit reporting agencies?

If you mean... Your payments are due May 5th and you pay May 5th payment on June 3rd... Then yes, they cannot report Mays payment as being 30 days late. I have been doing it every month for over a year trying to get caught up

Chase doubled your payment from 200 to 400 per month that you cannot make should you just pay the 200 and tell them to shove the rest?

teachers get 200$-400$ a month.

I have symptoms every month but never had my period I just want to get it over with?

If you experience symptoms every month, but you have never had any periods, it is advised that you seek medical checkup.

Can a person pay a dollar a month on a credit card?

I suppose you could pay just a $1 a month but if your balance is high enough that your payment is more than $1 you will be charged fees. Your payment is determined by the agreement you subjected yourself to when you accepted the card. If you pay only a $1 a month you will probably incur late fees.