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Q: What if you can't plant tulips in the fall?
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What are tulips hyacinths and daffodils?

Tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are spring bulb plants. You plant them in the fall for spring bloom.

When do tulips come out?

only in the spring! However, plant the bulb in the fall.

Is it better to plant bulbs earlier or later in the fall?

Tulips should be planted in Fall twice as deep as the bulb its self.

What do tulips need to survive?

The best time of the year to plant tulips is in the fall. Tulip bulbs require the chilled soil of winter to put out new growth in the spring. They can be planted any time in the fall before the soil freezes. However, they should be in the ground by mid-December.

What is turkeys national plant?

Turkey's national plant and is famous of are Tulips. During Ottoman Empire, The Netherlands was gifted with tulips seeds.

What vegitables can you plant in the fall?

spinach potatoes carrots kale collards rutabagas turnips broccoli colliflower are all great for fall

How are tulips affected by heat?

The tulips would dry up. There petals would fall off.

When to plant tulips bulbs?

Tulip bulbs need the chill of winter soil before they begin growth in the spring. Plant tulip bulbs in the fall. You can plant until the ground freezes, but usually no later than mid December.

Do tulips need water?

Yes. They are a plant.

What type of plant seeds are better to plant at school?

Tulips, Dandylions, Daisy's

Plant names that start with t?

Trees, tulips,

What is the tulips phylum?

Tulips belong to the phylum Anthophyta, which is a division of the plant kingdom that includes flowering plants.