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Q: What if you eat before modified barium swallow?
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Can you eat before taking a Modified Barium Swallow test?

Yes. as a speech pathologist who has performed the exam since it was developed the answer has always been yes.

Can a modified barium swallow test diagnose a swallowing problem?

Yes it can. A Modified Barium Swallow is usually done by a qualified Radiologist and Speech Pathologist and it includes watching a patient eat and drink a variety of consistancies. The food items are mixed with Barium Sulphate (so the food/drink can show up on xray) to see if there is a swallowing problem, why and if there are any techniques and therapies to compensate and improve the swallow.

What can you eat before a barium enema?


What is a slogan to sell barium?

barium barium barium we eat it we garden it so why not need it its fun cool and soft looking barium the element for you

If you eat 7 saltines but dont swallow them does it count?

No, dummy you have eat them. as in swallow...

What happens when you take a Modified Barium Swallow test or study?

The Modified Barium Swallow test seeks to show the individual's swallowing pattern and any swallowing problems the patient is experiencing. - No patient preparation is necessary before the test. You can eat and drink normally. - The total study takes about 10 minutes, with 5 minutes of fluoroscope imaging. - Patient is seated or standing. - The patient consumes a small variety of items containing barium, including thin liquid, thick liquid, semi-solid (pudding), solid (cookie) and a barium tablet. - The study is video-recorded for later play-back and analysis. - The testing is done by a Radiologist and a Speech Pathologist (expert in Swallowing Disorders.) - It evaluates swallowing, including oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and cervical esophagus. - It detects the presence of aspiration (getting food in the air tube) and the causes. - If the patient aspirates (inhales food), therapy is provided to help control it. After the examination, you can resume your usual diet and take your usual medications unless told otherwise by your doctor. For a day or two your bowel movements may look white because of the barium. Sometimes the barium can cause temporary constipation, which can be treated by an ordinary laxative. Drinking more fluids for several days following the test can also help.

What foods may you eat before you have a barium enema?

Prior to a barium enema you need to be NPO or nothing by mouth for 12 hours pre testing. The bowel needs to be prepped with either golightly or sodium phosphates the night before.

What does a swallow swallow?

Swallows are great fliers and catch and eat flying insects.

How do you eat caviar?

chew and swallow

What and how do peacocks eat?

They swallow their food.

how do i eat food?

chew and swallow!

What bird helps you eat?

A swallow.