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Congratulate yourself. You have a very desirable look. When it comes to your drivers license, I would just say brown.

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Q: What if you have black hair but in the sun it looks brown?
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Why the hairs are black?

No such thing as true black hair. If hair looks like black, It is naturally a very, extremely dark shade of brown. If your hair is looking like black, put it in the sun and if it is a brown then you are all set! That means you have proof that your hair is actually dark brown!

Can the sun turn black hair dark brown?


Is it possible to have blackish brown hair?

Yes..I have hair appear to be black at a distance but when you look under the sun it appear to be brown and black...

Does sun in work on black hair?

Black hair not really, but it works really well with dark brown hair.

Why would black hair slowly turn brown?

The sun might lighten your hair.

My hair is dark brown but when under the sun it's kind of golden Is it rare and how is it possible to have hair like that?

Your dark brown hair that looks golden under the sun is not rare. It is made possible by the natural highlights in your hair.

Why does black hair change into brown hair?

If you're outdoors frequently, the sun can add natural highlights to your hair.

Does dyed brown hair go ginger in the sun?

It actually kinda does!! I had light blonde hair, then i died it brown. Now the browns fading out and it looks kinda ginger. The sun will lighten it a little but there is no way it will lighten it to ginger.

How do you dye black hair to brown naturally?

Dying your hair isn't natural. But if you spend more time in the sun and use some dying products, your hair can eventually turn brown.

Why does hair color suddenly change from black to light brown?

The sun may be affecting the color because when you are in the sun, your hair may turn lighter. The sun's rays are strong enough to change hair color.

My hair is sorta red but in the sun it looks red but has a tinge of copper auburn and a little golden brown but if it is not in direct light it looks like a light ash brown. what color is my hair?

Your hair is red, the extra colors you are seeing in the sunlight is just your natural highlights. I think :)....

Does lemon juice make black hair brown?

No. It makes your hair orange. If you put lemon juice in your hair then sit in the sun it would go ginger... if you got Natural black hair... just go buy dye.. buy like a light brown dye and it would turn out meduim brown or dark brown depends on you hair..