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Should be at least 40.

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Q: What if you hdl is 36 is this good or bad?
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Why is hdl good?

its absorbs HDL(bad) and carries it to the liver for removal from the blood

What is different between hdl and ldl cholesterol?

HDL= Good Cholesterol, LDL = Bad Cholesterol

What are considered bad HDL cholesterol levels?

HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol and it actively removes bad cholesterol. HDL cholesterol levels greater than 60 milligrams is considered good but lower than 40 milligrams is considered bad.

Hdl and ldl prevent cardiovascular disease?

You want your HDL (good) to be higher and your LDL (bad) to be lower.

HDL is the cholesterol that is BAD for you?

HDL is the cholesterol that is BAD for you?

What does LDL of 231 and HDL of 47 mean?

LDL (bad cholesterol) of 104 is reasonably low - and this is good. HDL(good cholesterol) of 65 is significantly high - and this is also good!

Is it bad to have high hdl levels?

HDL (high density lipoprotein) is considered your "good" cholesterol while LDL (low density lipoprotein) is considered "bad" cholesterol.

Is cholesterol good or bad?

Good cholesterol is necessary to the human body to carry the substances all over, and bad cholesterol that blocks the passage is very bad

What is the difference between Idl and hdl?

LDL and HDL both refer to cholesterol. The difference is that LDL is known and the "bad" cholesterol and "HDL" is known as the good" cholesterol. One may learn more about cholesterol at WebMD.

How can cholesterol be stopped?

Your body needs some cholesteral. What is inmportant is that you have more good then bad. there is ldl and hdl. ldl is bad hdl is good. You can lower your bad levels by eating a more healthy diet, olive oil fish or fish oils, less of the bad like beef or pork fat or margerine.

my cholesterol is overall 168 but my LDL is 99, is this bad?

my cholesterol is overall 168, but my LDL is 99 and my HDL is 48... is this good or bad?

What is HDL cholesterol, and its symptoms?

HDL cholesterol is when there is more bad cholesterol than good cholesterol. There really are no symptoms to this disorder. To determine if you have high cholesterol go to the doctor and have it checked out.