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I think you still love this person, I think that you have an infatuation with this other person, its not really love, If you break it off with your current girlfriend most likely you will want them back & it might be to late. I think that you should lose all contact with the other person & concentrate on making your current relationship work put 100% into it.. Because you are scared of breaking up with them then really you have answered your own question.. If you put your efforts into the current one then you will most likely find that things will get better and back on track but you can't divide your time & your feelings between two people that never works & you will only hurt yourself & the people involved... Stay with your girlfriend..

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Q: What if you loved someone and now you don't know if you love them and are falling for someone else but are scared to break up with your girlfriend but don't really want to break it off what do you do?
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