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go to the doctors. apparently your peeing blood, which could be caused from too much sexual intercourse. also itcould be caused from internal bleeding, i hope your still alive. idk if my facts are correct, check this website,

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Q: What if you see blood in your urine light pink?
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Why is my urine pink?

See a doctor ASAP. You could have blood in your urine.

Should you take a blood test if you are spotting light pink and dark brown and some light red with no clots and have had a negative urine test but have all the other signs of pregnancy?

You should see a doctor.

When man passes blood in urine should he see a dr your husband is passes pure blood in urine should he see a dr and is this serious?

Blood in your urine can be serious, but it could also just be a one off. If you do see blood in your urine, see a doctor as soon as possible to be on the safe side.

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You might see blood in your urine. And then, you might have blood in your urine, but not enough for you to see without a microscope. See your doctor for a simple urine test.

What kind of doctor should a man see for blood in urine?

To evaluate blood in the urine, both men and women typically see a urologist.

I had no period for January but on the 31st i started having a brown discharge now it is thick brown with light pink blood why?

see a doctor

What Medication for blood in urine?

Depends on WHY there is blood in your urine. There are several possible causes with different treatments. See a doctor. Now.

What to do if you find blood in your urine?

you go see a doctor

Blood in urine and semen?

Not good. See a doctor.

How does blood in urine look like?

The obvious answer is that the urine would look red, which can happen with bleeding in the urinary tract from an infection or from other disorders of the urinary system. However, older blood in the urine can make it look dark or rusty colored. Smaller amounts of blood in the urine can give it a pink tone. There may be red flakes or there might be red streaks in the urine, too.

What if you urine and you feel pressure but you don't have blood in urine and you constantly feel light headed like you are about to pass out?

Impossible to know from your description exactly what is going on, but you should go see a doctor, as soon as possible.

Can blood in your urine mean your having a miscarriage?

You will NOT have blood present in your urine with a miscarriage. A miscarriage involves only your uterus. If there is blood in your urine its a problem with either your bladder, kidneys, or something in between the two. If you're miscarrying its possible the 'blood in [your] urine' is actually vaginal bleeding that is being washed out of your vagina when you pee. To determine if this is the case be sure to wipe your vagina before peeing, then urinate in a cup, rather than in the toilet, so you can see exactly what color your urine is. If your urine is still pink-ish or red then yes, the bleeding is coming from your bladder or somewhere else in your urinary tract. If there is no blood in the urine then the bleeding is vaginal. Either way, GO SEE A DOCTOR! Whether its a miscarriage, abnormal vaginal bleeding, or blood in your urine, its not normal and may be evidence of a serious condition. Please seek medical attention as soon as you can.