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Q: What if your blood alcohol content percent is what or greater in New York?
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In New York to be considered to be boating under the influence if your blood alcohol content is what percent or greater?


In New York you are considered to be boating under the influence if your blood alcohol content is what percent or greater?


Is a blood alcohol content of 0.11 percent higher than one of .16 percent?

no the higher the content the higher the number ..breath or blood

If your blood alcohol content is 10 percent what are your chances of being in a collision and how many times greater?

If your blood alcohol content is 10% your chances of being in an accident are effectively zero. You would be dead. DAmn u mate your lucky your aload to go out and get 1o percent drunk where do your parents find ya

What percent of Blood alcohol content will cause your driving to deteriorate?


What is a breathalyzer?

A breathalyzer is a small device that is used to determine a person's blood-alcohol content. The higher the blood-alcohol content, the more alcohol the person has in their blood. In Kansas, a level of .08 or greater will result in a DUI.

In Virginia bloater with blood alcohol content over what percent are considered OUI?


What does a BAC value of 0.1 percent mean?

It could mean blood alcohol content is 0.1%.

In New York you are considered to be boating under the influence if your blood alcohol content is what percent?


With a blood alcohol level at 15 percent the relative risk of causing a collision is greater by nearly?

whith a blood alcohol level at .15%, the relative risk of causing a collision is greater by mearly?


Blood alcohol content. It is used to find out what level of alcohol is in someone's system.

A blood alcohol concentration of percent or greater is considered legally intoxicated in most states?
